Tag Archives: generation x

The Dean’s List

22 Feb

Word of mouth brought this sweet new band to our ears. The Dean’s List are three boys hailing from Boston, Massachusetts. Sonny Shotz, Mendoza, and Mik Beats make up this trio and we couldn’t be happier to bring this interview to you at SXSW 2012! A little bit of american rap and hip hop, and a lot of authenticity, these guys make some of the most catchiest and lyrically driven songs that we, here at Southern Crux, give out our A++++ of approval.

You should follow them on Twitter! And if you don’t happen to find yourself in Austin this SXSW, you should get out and go see them on their “Road to SXSW tour,” they won’t disappoint!

Check out one of our favorite songs by them, Dear Professor:

As always, follow Southern Crux Shayda and Patricia !

@Shaptora | @SouthernCruxPr
P: 512-200-2789